RE: satspy no more

From: Penny Fischer-Otte (
Date: Sat Jun 09 2001 - 15:54:17 PDT

  • Next message: Ulrich Beinert: "RE: Awesome ISS photos!!!"

    I had David Capella as a chat guest about five years ago on on our Astronomy Chat room on
    Prodigy, and as a gift to myself and my co-host there, he sent us free copies of Satspy.
    This was pre Heavens-Above, and I found the program (and still do) graphically detailed
    and really interesting and helpful.  Besides this, David seems like a really nice guy.  I
    also knew his father, Ted, who died several years ago.  He was a fellow Prodigy user and
    an active member in our online community.    I am very sad as to this news.  David,  if
    you are out there, you made an excellent program :)
    > -----Original Message-----
    > From: Kevin Fetter []
    > Sent: Saturday, June 09, 2001 12:00 PM
    > To:
    > Subject: satspy no more
    > To anyone who uses satspy to observe sats, there will be no more upgrades,
    > the company that makes it is going out of business.
    > See below for details
    > While I use skymap, it sad to see the program go.
    > Kevin
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