ISS UK passes

From: G6GAK - Mike Tyrrell (
Date: Fri Jun 08 2001 - 11:33:12 PDT

  • Next message: Penny Fischer-Otte: "RE: satspy no more"

    Were fortunate last night to catch two ISS passes over the UK at 21:40 and
    22:59 UTC.
    After heavy rain late afternoon it remained dry with broken cloud - but
    right on time for each pass the skies cleared so we had uninterrupted views.
    Each pass ended in a flare from the main panels to about -4 as the station
    headed away from us over Europe.
    Will let the group know when the pictures are on the web in a few days.
    Mike Tyrrell
    53.275 N 2.547W
    Nr Manchester, UK
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