Sat errors

From: Ken Prentice (
Date: Wed Jun 06 2001 - 11:53:20 PDT

  • Next message: Robert Oler: "IMP 8"

    This from another list .. hope it's helpful
    and is anyone else using "Starlight Cameras" to watch the birds?
    Ken Prentice
    Full details of all registration errors by all member states since
    the opening of the UN convention in 1962 may be found at
    All classified satellites in 1999-2000:
    1999-017A (DSP)   Orbit given is wrong.
    1999-023A (Milstar) Orbit given is wrong.
    2000-001A (DSCS)  Orbit given is not the final orbit.
    2000-001C (IABS)  Orbit given is wrong.
    2000-024A (DSP)   Data is correct.
    2000-024D (IUS)   Inclination given is wrong (probably accidental typo).
    2000-047A (NRO)   Data is correct.
    2000-065A (DSCS)  Orbit given is not the final orbit.
    2000-065C (IABS)  Orbit given is wrong.
    2000-080A (NRO)   Orbit given is not the final orbit.
    For example, the orbit given for 1999-017A is actually
    the orbit of another object from the 1999-017 launch.
    In contrast, the data given for unclassified satellites is
    substantially correct, with the following exceptions (mostly
    US satellites launched outside US territory)
    1999-014: Demosat satellite not registered (Boeing Sea Launch).
    1999-012, 1999-019, 1999-031, 1999-049, 1999-058, 1999-062:
               24 Globalstar satellites not registered.
    1999-053A: LMI 1 satellite not registered.
    2000-035A: Correctly registered, but incorrectly
                stated that launch was made from US territory.
    2000-067A: QuickBird satellite not registered.
    2000-075C: Incorrectly registered (ST/SG/SER.E/385);
                it is actually a Swedish satellite already
                registered in ST/SG/SER.E/380 by Sweden.
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