Re: Gorizont 16, continued

From: Bjoern Gimle (
Date: Mon Jun 04 2001 - 00:53:32 PDT

  • Next message: Bjoern Gimle: "Re: ISS Misses Moon - not by much!"

    > are getting to see it.  It would be interesting, to me at least, to
    > know how widely visible it is at any given time.
    And necessary to compute the rotation. Since you can see them for hours, the
    flash track must be nearly parallell to the satellite's celestial track, and
    a few degrees of latitude may ruin the show, but certainly shift the
    start/end times of bright flashes. This shift allows at least the flare
    track angle to be computed. For a complete determination, observations more
    widely spaced over the celestial sphere, or over the seasons, are needed.
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