Re: Intrinsic magnitude of ISS?

Date: Sun Jun 03 2001 - 20:08:18 PDT

  • Next message: Jonathan T Wojack: "USA 129 Observation"

    In a message dated 6/3/01 9:31:42 PM Eastern Daylight Time, writes:
    > My gut feeling is, "yes" it is brighter than I've recalled in the past.
    >  I haven't observed the ISS for over a month and this evening (21:05 local ,
    >  01:05 UTC) with a not so totally dark sky it appeared significantly 
    >  (mag -4?) on the descent along with a marvelous flare to around -6?.
    Saw the same pass as Jeff.  At 01:06:45 the ISS peaked at -5 mag or so - 
    easily brighter than Venus on a good night.  At my location it rose in the 
    SW, passes over Arcuturus (125az, 65el) at 01:05:25 and descended in the ENE. 
    I've really got to get some filters for my dob.  When the ISS is 40 deg or 
    more above the horizon it does not look like a point of light.   
    Don Gardner  39.1799 N, 76.8406 W, 100m ASL
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