SatEvo decay list #117 (issued 2001 June 3) This list of my satellite decay (re-entry) predictions and analyses is posted to the satellite observers mailing list, SeeSat-L, and to the Usenet newsgroup sci.astro.satellites.visual-observe. Information about SeeSat-L is available at In most cases, the "Actual?" decay dates are my estimates based on the published orbital element sets ("elsets") over the object's final days. Objects are included in the "Predicted" column if I anticipate their decay by 2001 July 31, although some larger and/or more interesting decayers are included beyond that date. This and other recent decay lists are available on the WWW via my SatEvo page at Linked from this page are files containing recent elsets for all the Iridium satellites, all the objects in this decay list, plus elsets for other selected objects including the ISS, the Shuttle and all newly launched and/or catalogued objects. I also maintain a large file, satbase.tle, containing recent elsets for some 8,400 satellites. This is available in zipped form from the same address. I publish my own and SpaceCom's updated predictions for the larger decayers during their final days on my Decay Watch page at This includes my predicted elsets for these objects. # Designation Name ---- Decay (2001) ---- Predicted Actual? 26768 01- 19 C PAS-10 Proton casing May 15.69 26767 01- 19 B PAS-10 Proton r1 May 16.91 14313 83- 90 A Molniya 3-21 May 22.05 26774 01- 21 B Progress M1-6 Soyuz-FG r May 22.64 26502 00- 49 G Raduga-1 5 aux motor May 23.14 11252 79- 5 B Meteor 1-29 r May 24.40 20614 90- 43 H Macsat 1 Scout deb May 26.6 26424 99- 57 JV CBERS LM4 deb May 28.5 17094 79- 17 JH Solwind deb May 28.4 26776 01- 22 B Cosmos 2377 Soyuz r Jun 2.84 26723 01- 10 B STS-102 deb (PAD) June 7 23518 95- 9 H Glonass 71 aux motor June 8 24337 94- 29 NN STEP-2 Pegasus deb June 9 23989 94- 29 AK STEP-2 Pegasus deb June 11 6085 70- 89 CT Cosmos 374 deb June 12 8298 74- 89 BF Thorad Delta 1 deb June 16 3524 68- 91 M Cosmos 249 deb June 17 24000 94- 29 AV STEP-2 Pegasus deb June 17 17471 86- 19 HJ Spot 1 Ariane 1 deb June 19 7487 73- 86 FT NOAA 3 Delta 1 deb June 21 22424 92- 93 DR Cosmos 2272 Zenit deb June 21 26447 99- 57 KU CBERS LM4 deb June 21 1347 65- 20 S Cosmos 61 deb June 22 26457 99- 57 HU CBERS LM4 deb June 22 24247 94- 29 LW STEP-2 Pegasus deb June 24 19641 87- 20 CF Cosmos 1823 deb June 27 20611 90- 43 E Macsat 1 Scout deb June 28 24158 94- 29 HH STEP-2 Pegasus deb July 3 3467 65- 82 PY OV2-1/LCS2 deb July 6 26335 99- 57 HU CBERS LM4 deb July 7 26337 99- 57 HW CBERS LM4 deb July 7 26739 01- 13 C Mars Odyssey Delta 2 r July 7 26334 99- 57 HT CBERS LM4 deb July 9 24767 94- 29 ABM STEP-2 Pegasus deb July 11 4726 70- 91 X Cosmos 375 deb July 13 23099 94- 27 A SROSS-C2 July 14 23071 89- 89 BS COBE deb July 16 16939 86- 68 D Molniya 1-68 r2 July 17 25361 94- 29 ADN STEP-2 Pegasus deb July 17 26314 99- 57 GX CBERS LM4 deb July 17 10181 77- 65 K GMS 1 Delta deb July 21 26295 99- 57 GH CBERS LM4 deb July 24 12750 81- 53 CT Cosmos 1275 deb July 25 26404 00- 39 A NINA/MITA O July 26 24323 96- 56 B GPS 2-27 r1 July 29 18980 88- 22 A Molniya 1-72 June 25? 22933 93- 78 D DBS 1 r July 29 23172 94- 38 E Cosmos 2282 aux motor August 1 22048 92- 43 F Gorizont 26 aux motor August 5 11266 79- 11 A Cosmos 1076 August 10 19544 88- 90 D Molniya 3-33 r2 August 19? 15955 85- 71 D Cosmos 1675 r August 31? 14319 83- 90 D Molniya 3-21 r2 September 14516 83-114 A Molniya 1-59 September Alan -- Alan Pickup / COSPAR 2707: 55d53m48.7s N 3d11m51.2s W 156m asl Edinburgh / SatEvo & elsets: Scotland / Decay Watch: * ----------------------------------------------------------------- Unsubscribe from SeeSat-L by sending a message with 'unsubscribe' in the SUBJECT to
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