Re: Meade LX90

From: Anthony Ayiomamitis (
Date: Sat Jun 02 2001 - 00:49:41 PDT

  • Next message: Mike Boschat: "ISS Misses Moon - not by much!"

           Have a serious look at the ETX line of scopes from Meade. Although my gear is all
    Celestron, I do have to admit that Meade is way ahead of Celestron when it comes to the
    functionality of the ETX and LX200 lines and, more specifically, the computer functions.
           For the ETX line, you can get a very good system for under $500. I am looking to
    get the ETX-90EC with the Autostar controller (the 497 and not 494) which sells brand new
    for about $425. The software already exists for very smooth and problem-free satellite
    tracking using the ETX and LX200 lines.
    > Date: Fri, 1 Jun 2001 10:18:11 -0500
    > From: "Allen Thomson" <>
    > To: "SeeSat" <>
    > In the July 2001 Sky & Telescope Dennis di Cicco gives a very favorable
    > review to Meade's new 8-inch LX90.
    > In it, he says
    > "Another refinement is in the telescope's satellite-tracking ability.  The
    > motion now 'flows' smoothly (rather than with discrete 'steps') as the LX90
    > follows the varying speed of a satellite across the sky...  [Fresh orbital
    > elements are needed.]  Nevertheless, the LX90 appears to me to have the most
    > sophisticated satellite-tracking features of any general-purpose commercial
    > telescope..."
    > The bad news is that the telescope retails for a gulp-inducing US$ 1695.
    > FYI, FWIW, YMMV, caveat lector, etc., etc.
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