From my Decay Watch page: _____________________________________________________________________ Object: #26776 = 01- 22 B = Cosmos 2377 Soyuz-U rocket Decay predictions: Source Prediction made Predicted decay at Latitude Longitude UTC UTC deg deg SpaceCom May 31 23:52 Jun 02 22:59 +-1d 55.7 N 34.6 E SatEvo Jun 01 19:40 Jun 03 00:06 +-7h 40.3 N 104.0 W Latest elset: Cosmos 2377 Soyuz r 252 x 149 km 1 26776U 01022B 01152.89672816 .05991798 60226-5 49315-3 0 242 2 26776 67.1046 131.8071 0078134 92.0220 268.9950 16.27034869 514 SatEvo prediction: Cosmos 2377 Soyuz r 246 x 148 km 1 26776U 01022B 01153.01959804 .06523169 16468-1 46213-3 0 90244 2 26776 67.1041 131.3795 0074764 91.8883 268.9681 16.28455356 536 Cosmos 2377 Soyuz r 231 x 143 km 1 26776U 01022B 01153.26500211 .08072152 27001-1 38873-3 0 90246 2 26776 67.1030 130.5222 0067018 91.6205 269.1472 16.32005574 573 Cosmos 2377 Soyuz r 213 x 137 km 1 26776U 01022B 01153.50980110 .10969373 57788-1 32411-3 0 90243 2 26776 67.1014 129.6622 0057577 91.3519 269.3078 16.36578989 610 Cosmos 2377 Soyuz r 186 x 128 km 1 26776U 01022B 01153.75376741 .18832409 20620+0 27539-3 0 90244 2 26776 67.0992 128.7982 0044050 91.0822 269.4225 16.43433966 651 Cosmos 2377 Soyuz r 144 x 112 km 1 26776U 01022B 01153.93580214 .51562926 99388+0 24879-3 0 90248 2 26776 67.0960 128.1459 0024456 90.8787 269.4016 16.54497239 680 Cosmos 2377 Soyuz r 111 x 97 km 1 26776U 01022B 01153.99609248 1.69585453 27156+2 32494-3 0 90241 2 26776 67.0940 127.9267 0010155 90.8104 269.3060 16.63562088 690 Note: The latest elset shows this running 21 sec early against yesterday's prediction. I have this decaying soon after the final equator crossing above. This puts it over the central USA on a northbound pass from southern New Mexico at (Jun 3) 00:03 UTC to Denver, Colorado, at 00:05 and Fargo, North Dakota, at 00:07. _____________________________________________________________________ Alan -- Alan Pickup / COSPAR 2707: 55d53m48.7s N 3d11m51.2s W 156m asl Edinburgh / SatEvo & elsets: Scotland / Decay Watch: * ----------------------------------------------------------------- Unsubscribe from SeeSat-L by sending a message with 'unsubscribe' in the SUBJECT to
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