Thanks for the replay on my first obs. DMSP 5D-2 didn't show up +-5 min from the prediction, i used this tle: DMSP 5D-2 S-14 1 24753U 97012A 01145.07062285 0.00000350 00000-0 18433-3 0 04 2 24753 98.7364 191.8526 0008997 284.6117 75.3882 14.14015542 04 I'm still not as accurate as most of the pro observers buti think i got some good results. 0000 G 20010601190915000 56 15 1301000+152410 56 S+040 10072 96 24680 0000 G 20010601191045000 56 15 1120300+560632 56 S+040 10072 96 24680 0000 G 20010601185500000 56 15 1330150+005025 56 S+053 10067 99 25991 0000 G 20010601181655000 56 15 1136000-041920 56 S+055 10067 99 25991 0000 G 20010601185750000 56 15 1846000+325930 56 S+057 10067 99 25991 0000 G 20010601175000000 56 15 1432300-041920 56 I+045 10078 99 19460 0000 G 20010601175210000 56 15 1547150+602730 56 S+050 10078 88 19460 ------------------------------- Sasha Levin Lat:31.460 Lon:35.139 Alt:150 נשלח ע"י משתמש Hotmail בעיברית. הצטרפו גם אתם לקהילת MSN ישראל. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Unsubscribe from SeeSat-L by sending a message with 'unsubscribe' in the SUBJECT to
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