Optical 27 Jan 2014

From: Greg Roberts (grr@telkomsa.net)
Date: Tue Jan 28 2014 - 10:57:17 UTC

  • Next message: Kevin Fetter: "BSAT 2B decay info"

    Observations 27 JAN 2014
    Cosatrak 1 (Computerised satellite Tracking System).
    FLI ML8300M CCD camera with mechanical shutter + Trimble GPS
    Used with 87mm FOCAL LENGTH f/2.8 Nikon lens.
    Field of view 12 x 9 degrees.
    Images processed and measured manually.
    Site 0433 : Longitude 18.51294 deg East, Latitude -33.94058 deg,
    Elevation 10 metres-situated in Pinelands (Cape Town),South Africa
    11389 79 050A   0433 P 20140127191900372 55 15 0945342-143022 29
    11389 79 050A   0433 P 20140127191909328 55 15 0940201-123829 29
    11389 79 050A   0433 P 20140127191920476 55 15 0933453-101348 29
    24680 96 072A   0433 P 20140127200342118 55 15 1047095-721133 29
    24680 96 072A   0433 P 20140127200343118 55 15 1043440-720638 29
    24680 96 072A   0433 P 20140127200344336 55 15 1039379-715933 29
    24680 96 072A   0433 P 20140127200345336 55 15 1036065-715345 29
    28888 95 042A   0433 P 20140127200713953 55 15 0718004-401521 29
    28888 95 042A   0433 P 20140127200714953 55 15 0716497-394216 29
    28888 95 042A   0433 P 20140127200716180 55 15 0715363-390424 29
    28888 95 042A   0433 P 20140127200717180 55 15 0714231-383133 29
    28888 95 042A   0433 P 20140127200718406 55 15 0713126-375315 29
    28888 95 042A   0433 P 20140127200719406 55 15 0712051-371842 29
    28888 95 042A   0433 P 20140127200720634 55 15 0710560-364017 29
    28888 95 042A   0433 P 20140127200721634 55 15 0709471-360711 29
    28888 95 042A   0433 P 20140127200722862 55 15 0708339-352647 29
    28888 95 042A   0433 P 20140127200723862 55 15 0707341-345336 29
    37162 10 046A   0433 P 20140127194311744 55 15 0858410-380237 29
    37162 10 046A   0433 P 20140127194334290 55 15 0851211-443852 29
    37162 10 046A   0433 P 20140127194347193 55 15 0846288-483220 29
    (1) Purpose of session was to try and capture USA 129 and USA 186
        in the same field of view as they were predicted to pass over
        at about the same time and seperated by only a few degrees.
        However almost total cloud prevented this being possible.
    (2) Despite the cloud it was possible to image the satellites, but
        not together, nor in the same area of the sky so I think I
        have the identities correct with USA 186 running about 2m 18sec
        late and USA 129 running about 38 seconds late - idents are
        subject to correction by Mike and/or Ted.
    (3) Two other classified satellites imaged through cloud.
    (4) I want to get one more good session on the visible KH satellites
        before I change the optical system to the 8 inch f/3.67 for the
        next few months.
    Seesat-l mailing list

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