Re: Obs 20 Dec 2005 - all

From: Bram Dorreman (
Date: Sun Jan 01 2006 - 16:19:49 EST

  • Next message: Ted Molczan: "Admin: Unofficial patch for Windows WMF Exploit"

    Dear Greg and others,
    Because this is my first e-mail in 2006 I take the opportunity to whish all 
    SeeSatters a healthy en fortunate new year with many happy observing hours 
    and fruitful discussions and data and information exchange via SeeSat.
    Greg wrote:
    > (3) Have made some more changes to my system - now have GUIDE running
    >    in real time and whenever I spot something interesting I merely
    >    punch in the azimuth and elevation and can immediately see what
    >    is in my field of view from a database of about 9000 objects.
    >    Hopefully I will now be able to recognize an unknown almost
    >    immediately and follow it as long as I am able. It does cause
    >    a small problem in that I have only one set of eyes and now have
    >    to watch 5 screens when tracking and operate three keyboards!
    >    (Ever typed on the wrong keyboard and wondered why nothing
    >    happened?)
    >    GUIDE is by far the best program for this sort of operation - Ive
    >    tried them all ( I think!) and more expensive programs fail
    >    dismally!  If you are serious about optical/video tracking/positional
    >    work then buy yourself a copy - its under $100 and worth every cent.
    >    Visit for more details. Unfortunately
    >    there is no demo version available - but as myself and others have
    >    found it delivers the goods. I get no commission for this - just a
    >    very satsified user since version 2 - its now at version 8 and
    >    comes on two CD's.
    I completely agree with you that Guide is a very good program.
    I apply it for imprecise satellite identification when provided with recent
    I use the option to indicatie my field of view.
    When I see another satellite while following a planned one, I record the
    time and direction of motion with respect to the satellite I follow.
    Therefore I use a tiny voice-recorder that I can keep in my hands toghether
    with my binoculars.
    Afterwards I feed this time in Guide and position on the satellite I was
    In most cases it almost immediately shows the other satellite I saw
    The motion of direction is either the confirmation or rejection of the
    I use this program in my lectures about satellite observing. By selecting a
    TLE-file with geosats only I can demonstrate how crowded the geosationary
    belt is. By selecting a TLE-file with LEO I can show how crowded it is
    closer to us.
    This is just an exchange of experience. I do not yet know the options of for
    example Rob Matson's Skymap. It should be very good as well. Unitil now I
    haven't got the time to work with it. May be I get a chance this year.
    Bram Dorreman.
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