OIG Catalog Action Report for the week ending January 31

From: Mike McCants (mmccants@io.com)
Date: Sat Jan 31 2004 - 11:44:32 EST

  • Next message: Thomas Fly: "ISS solar transit"

                     Satellite Catalog Action Report
    From: 2004/01/24
    Through: 2004/01/31
    The following objects have been reported as cataloged:
    Designator   CatNo Common Name               Source LaunchDate
    ------------ ----- ------------------------- ------ ----------
    2003-060D    28139 SL-12 R/B(2)              CIS    2003/12/28
    2004-002A    28142 PROGRESS-M1 11            CIS    2004/01/29
    2004-002B    28143 SL-04 R/B                 CIS    2004/01/29
    1976-066D    28144 DELTA 1 DEB (YO)          US     1976/07/08
    1977-018F    28145 DELTA 1 DEB (YO)          US     1977/03/10
    1978-064P    28146 SEASAT 1 DEB              US     1978/06/27
    1979-104U    28147 ARIANE 1 DEB              ESA    1979/12/24
    1981-059J    28148 NOAA 7 DEB                USA    1981/06/23
    The following objects have been reported as decayed:
    Designator   CatNo Common Name               Source LaunchDate DecayDate
    ------------ ----- ------------------------- ------ ---------- ----------
    1993-025A    22633 MOLNIYA 3-44              CIS    1993/04/21 2004/01/25
    2001-049MU   27512 PSLV DEB                  IND    2001/10/22 2004/01/25
    2003-027C    27829 DELTA 2 R/B(1)            US     2003/06/10 2004/01/27
    2003-039A    27873 PROGRESS-M 48             CIS    2003/08/29 2004/01/28
    The following objects have been reported as modified:
    Designator   CatNo Common Name               Source LaunchDate DecayDate
    ------------ ----- ------------------------- ------ ---------- ----------
    1993-068C    22879 NAVSTAR 35 R/B(PAM-D)     US     1993/10/26 2004/01/20
    1998-074A    25577 IRIDIUM 20                US     1998/12/19     /  /
    1998-074B    25578 IRIDIUM 11                US     1998/12/19     /  /
    2003-024B    27821 BREEZE-M DEB (TANK)       CIS    2003/06/06     /  /
    2003-043D    27950 ARIANE 5 DEB (SPELTRA)    ESA    2003/09/27     /  /
    2003-043F    27952 ARIANE 5 DEB (SYLDA)      ESA    2003/09/27     /  /
    1995-064D    28062 ASIASAT 2 DEB             PRC    1995/11/28 2004/01/15
    2003-056A    28112 COSMOS 2404 (GLONASS)     CIS    2003/12/10     /  /
    2003-056B    28113 COSMOS 2402 (GLONASS)     CIS    2003/12/10     /  /
    2003-056C    28114 COSMOS 2403 (GLONASS)     CIS    2003/12/10     /  /
    2004-001A    28137 ESTRELA DU SOL-TELSTAR14  USBZ   2004/01/11     /  /
    2004-001B    28138 BLOCK DM-SL R/B           SEAL   2004/01/11     /  /
    1981-059J    28148 NOAA 7 DEB                USA    1981/06/23     /  /
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