Report time: 18:00 UTC 2003-027C (#27829) Delta 2 R/B1 SCC'S O1 DAYS BEFORE DECAY message - prepared Jan 26, 14:04 UTC - shows the decay on: 27 January, 14:21 UTC +/- 15 hours (12.7°S, 233.6°E) descending over the Pacific. MPM+REENTRY delivers with the ELSETs 04025.173...+ 04025.511... (SFX 100, ap 015) the decay on: 27 January, 14;19 UTC +/- 44 minutes (09.28°S, 225.87°E) also southbound over the Pacific. Around this reenty time are daylight passes over South America and Africa. Harro Berlin, Germany ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Subscribe/Unsubscribe info, Frequently Asked Questions, SeeSat-L archive:
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