Optical 03 Feb 2014 Part 1

From: Greg Roberts <grr_at_telkomsa.net>
Date: Tue, 4 Feb 2014 07:27:04 +0200
Observations 03 FEB 2014:

Cosatrak 1 (Computerised satellite Tracking System).
FLI M8300 CCD camera with 87mm focal length f/2.8 NIKON lens,
field of view 12 x 9 degrees.

Images measured manually.

Site 0433 : Longitude 18.51294 deg East, Latitude  33.94058 deg S,
Elevation 10 metres - situated in Pinelands (Cape Town), South Africa

24680 96 072A   0433 G 20140203190405557 55 15 1144162-333223 39  +045 05
24680 96 072A   0433 G 20140203190426149 55 15 1130467-310313 39  +045 05
24680 96 072A   0433 G 20140203190446484 55 15 1117403-282028 39  +045 05
24680 96 072A   0433 G 20140203190502195 55 15 1107381-260005 39  +045 05
24680 96 072A   0433 G 20140203203849672 55 15 0131126-650928 39  +030 05
24680 96 072A   0433 G 20140203203904953 55 15 0157417-610903 39  +030 05
24680 96 072A   0433 G 20140203203920090 55 15 0218525-563048 39  +030 05

(1) Did a 150 minute plane scan under good conditions. Approximately 1700
    images obtained on approximately 40 satellites - several of which I
    was not able to identify in real time ( but all going wrong track
    angle for that expected). Will measure them tomorrow in case any turn
    out to be a real "unknown"

(2) Obtained two passes of what looks like USA 129. I have NOT checked
    against SARS satellites - the elements are on another computer.

    On the first pass got 11 images ( elevation about 14 degrees ) and
    second pass got 6 images ( elevation about 38 degrees).

(3) I measured some of the images - I have a rather busy day tomorrow (
    actually today as its past local midnight) so will only be able to
    start on measuring etc around local 11 am or so.


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