Optical 30 January 2014

From: Greg Roberts <grr_at_telkomsa.net>
Date: Sat, 1 Feb 2014 16:38:20 +0200
Observations 15 Mar 2007:

Cosatrak 1 (Computerised satellite Tracking System).
FLI M8300 CCD camera with 87mm focal length f/2.8 NIKON lens,
field of view 12 x 9 degrees.

Images measured manually.

Site 0433 : Longitude 18.51294 deg East, Latitude  33.94058 deg S,
Elevation 10 metres - situated in Pinelands (Cape Town), South Africa

20641 90 050A   0433 G 20140130190727085 55 15 0909270-494604 39
20641 90 050A   0433 G 20140130190811732 55 15 0903293-424255 39
20641 90 050A   0433 G 20140130190849363 55 15 0900291-370926 39
23191 94 046A   0433 G 20140130202749111 55 15 1914169-732637 39  +055 05
28888 05 042A   0433 G 20140130191808163 55 15 1153032-400318 39  +055 05
28888 05 042A   0433 G 20140130191932291 55 15 1050086-265740 39  +045 05
28888 05 042A   0433 G 20140130191951674 55 15 1036202-225128 39  +040 05
28888 05 042A   0433 G 20140130192004576 55 15 1027210-195335 39  +040 05
28888 05 042A   0433 G 20140130205516564 55 15 0014159-555317 39  +040 05
28888 05 042A   0433 G 20140130205533472 55 15 0035493-523253 39  +040 05
28888 05 042A   0433 G 20140130205546152 55 15 0050362-494150 39  +035 05
28888 05 042A   0433 G 20140130205636897 55 15 0138087-352857 39  +025 05
28888 05 042A   0433 G 20140130205714942 55 15 0203295-230306 39  +060 00
36105 09 066B   0433 G 20140130202846041 55 15 1925388-735500 39  +055 05
36105 09 066B   0433 G 20140130202910985 55 15 2033079-763844 39  +055 05
36105 09 066B   0433 G 20140130203013005 55 15 0118395-713048 39  +045 05
37162 10 046A   0433 G 20140130210558583 55 15 0105490-491543 39  +045 05
37162 10 046A   0433 G 20140130210628177 55 15 0044074-481127 39  +045 05
37162 10 046A   0433 G 20140130210702002 55 15 0023124-465006 39  +050 05
39025 12 071A   0433 G 20140130185513978 55 15 0209329+353415 39  +050 05
39025 12 071A   0433 G 20140130185543515 55 15 0236005+342847 39  +045 05
39025 12 071A   0433 G 20140130185608847 55 15 0304372+330628 39  +040 05
39025 12 071A   0433 G 20140130185625755 55 15 0327432+314751 39  +035 05
39025 12 071A   0433 G 20140130185651128 55 15 0409401+285311 39  +030 05
39025 12 071A   0433 G 20140130185724936 55 15 0520233+221523 39  +030 05
39025 12 071A   0433 G 20140130185807209 55 15 0702398+090535 39  +030 05
39025 12 071A   0433 G 20140130185910618 55 15 0908255-083527 39  +035 05
39462 13 072A   0433 G 20140130202846041 55 15 1918578-733706 39  +050 05
39462 13 072A   0433 G 20140130202858327 55 15 1948502-732950 39  +050 05
39462 13 072A   0433 G 20140130202910985 55 15 2019346-730318 39  +050 05

99999 99 999A   0433 G 20140130195747464 55 15 0104581-315027 39  +070 05
99999 99 999A   0433 G 20140130195758200 55 15 0118567-283727 39  +070 05
99999 99 999A   0433 G 20140130195803200 55 15 0125175-270129 39  +070 05

01807 65 098C   0433 G 20140130195731424 55 15 0138291-293353 39
03598 68 110B   0433 G 20140130184923008 55 15 0221549+311958 39  +045 05
04420 70 047B   0433 G 20140130205446973 55 15 0042338-544122 39  +060 05
09013 76 067B   0433 G 20140130204351683 55 15 0018435-533646 39  +060 05
09509 76 108A   0433 G 20130130210140707 55 15 0033286-451438 39  +075 05
13718 82 116A   0433 G 20140130192821761 55 15 1233210-491235 39  +060 05
15822 85 047B   0433 G 20140130204723062 55 15 0018525-532026 39  +078 05
16494 86 005B   0433 G 20140130193141773 55 15 0857561-033443 39  +039 05
17177 86 094A   0433 G 20140130205153622 55 15 0040303-490536 39  +060 05
19038 88 029A   0433 G 20140130205503884 55 15 0031470-584852 39  +065 05
20261 89 080A   0433 G 20140130210153387 55 15 1023521-462727 39  +080 05
20527 90 023A   0433 G 20140130205153622 55 15 0033079-584701 39  +077 05
23411 94 078A   0433 G 20140130203557979 55 15 0010369-562605 39  +065 05
24794 97 020C   0433 G 20140130201908719 55 15 1404328-484753 39  +075 05
25876 99 041E   0433 G 20140130210140707 55 15 0042565-470426 39  +058 05
32263 07 048A   0433 G 20140130183613895 55 15 0527311-064949 39  +065 05
39386 13 064G   0433 G 20140130204210216 55 15 0010222-525844 39  +040 05
39390 13 064L   0433 G 20140130203843022 55 15 0007189-561927 39  +030 05


(1) Prime purpose was to check on the KH satellites as activity expected.

(2) USA 129 NOT seen on two good passes - possibly been de-orbited ????

(3) USA 245 NOT seen on one poor low elevation pass - so status
    uncertain - may not be able to resolve this as I am now close to the
    end of my summer observing window.

(4) USA 186 still in its elliptical orbit - ie apogee not yet dropped to
    about 400km - Marco expects this to happen around Feb 06 -
    unfortunately this may then mean the end of my summer observing
    window as altitude too low to clear low buildings before shadow entry.

(5) Unknown not found in my database - rough orbit
    i = 74.68   RA = 90.50  n = 15.048
    alt 550km   range 950 kms
    period 95.7m
    std mag +5

(6) ORS (Operational Responsive Space) - 29 cubsesats with one launch.
    Happened to be observing area where several objects were passing and
    saw two - Object G slow variable from about mag +8 to about magnitude
    4.0 as it crossed field of view and Object L produced what could be
    two short flashes or glints very close to one another to about
    magnitude +3 - invisible before and after the event.

(7) APEX seen by accident - did a short flare - invisible before and

(8) Took longer than normal to do the above - yesterday was SO HOT that
    my "work" computer kept shutting itself down as the CPU cooling fins
    could not cope with the heat - today a bit cooler so my next job is to
    improve cooling of the PC.  --  oops had to do it a now as it again
    got too hot and CPU refuses to run - added new heatsink compound
    between CPU and fins  as well as adding a CPU fan.... lets see what
    happens now- at least no  smoke so far!!


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Received on Sat Feb 01 2014 - 14:40:27 UTC

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