Re: STS109 flight path

From: Kabookie (
Date: Tue Feb 26 2002 - 02:34:32 EST

  • Next message: Ed Cannon: "Gorizont 14 (87-040A); some others"

    Also, for the sake of not messing anyone up, Tony kindly pointed out that
    the launch is THURSDAY morning, not Tuesday as I mentioned in my original
    on 2/26/02 1:29 AM, Tony Beresford wrote:
    > At 16:49 26/02/02, Kabookie wrote:
    >> Does anyone know, or can anyone point me to, a site containing the flight
    >> path of this morning's shuttle launch? Specifically, I'm wondering if it
    >> will be viewable up the US east coast (more specifially, Pennsylvania).
    > This flight is going to rendevous with the Hubble Telescope, which
    > has an orbit which never gets further than 28.5 degrees from the equator.
    > STS-109 must be launched due East to acheive this.
    > Flights up the East coast of US happen for ISS assembly launches, which the
    > rest of the STS launch schedule for the year is all about.
    > Tony Beresford
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