Starshine 2 and Unk Flare

From: Jari (
Date: Mon Feb 11 2002 - 22:12:59 EST

  • Next message: Kevin Fetter: "its thst time of year again"

    As i stepped out to see if i could observe Starshine 2, last 2 nights no
    flashes were seen, anyway as soon as i stepped out on my deck i noticed a
    bright object to the NW, Az 320deg El 40 deg approx, about 10 deg above what
    i believe was Deneb at 02:24:16 12 Feb UTC +/- 3 sec. Mag was -2 and the sky
    was still somewhat bright, the rest of the stars of Cygnus weren't visible
    at 1x. The flare lasted long enough to see that the object was heading 'up
    Island' towards the NNW. Estimated track was from 180 to 340 roughly. I
    checked my programs and there were no expected Iridium flares at that time
    or area.
    A few minutes later i did catch a nice -1 flash from Starshine 2 at 02:27:54
    +/-3 sec 10 deg SW of Polaris.
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