HESSI and Pegasus observations

From: Michael McCants (mmccants@jump.net)
Date: Mon Feb 11 2002 - 00:25:49 EST

  • Next message: Ed Cannon: "Two tumblers"

    I was able to observe HESSI and its Pegasus rocket for about 20
    seconds before shadow entry on Saturday evening.  The predictions
    were 26 degrees up at azimuth 300.  The range was about 1100Km.
    They were coming "up".  I used my 8 inch telescope.
    HESSI gave flashes to magnitude 8 and 9.  It was invisible
    between flashes (fainter than mag 10.5).  The period seemed to be
    about 5 seconds.
    Its Pegasus rocket seemed to have a "smooth" tumble from magnitude
    8 to invisible with a period of about 10 seconds.
    I would guess a Quicksat intrinsic magnitude of about 6 and a
    regular intrinsic magnitude of 7 or 7.5 for both.
    Observations at 02:35 and 02:38 UT Feb 10 from BCRC (30.3, 97.9).
    Mike McCants
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