Tandem-X and TerraSar-X

From: José Luis Ruiz via Seesat-l <seesat-l_at_satobs.org>
Date: Mon, 24 Dec 2018 20:54:07 +0100
These are the approximate data from the photo also in motion for today
Mirrors 62.4º 84.2º brightness +1.0  Time (UT) 06:22:19.429  J2000
14h08m01.0s  19º17'07.7''
Mirrors 62.4º 80.2º brightness +1.5  Time (UT) 06:22:16.302  J2000
14h12m18.9s  21º24'51.6''
Mirrors 62.4º 76.7º brightness +2.5  Time (UT) 06:22:13.429  J2000
14h16m25.3s  23º22'45.9''

From my position, these two satellites usually have good passes about two,
three days before and after Christmas and closed Arcturus.
Although I put +1, it is possible that the maximum peak was a bit brighter
than that, but not much. In any case, Arcturus shone clearly more.
You could say that they are my Christmas satellites

3602 36.8389ºN 2.4498ºW, 31 m, Almería (Spain)
José Luis Ruiz Gómez
Seesat-l mailing list
Received on Mon Dec 24 2018 - 19:54:07 UTC

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