The sky cleared a bit during the night, but soon clouds came in again. Has just one clearing. 43145 18 005A 4172 G 20181224042435452 17 25 1811704+625788 37 S 43145 18 005A 4172 G 20181224042440431 17 25 1804059+633044 37 S 43145 18 005A 4172 G 20181224042445457 17 25 1755907+640326 37 S 43145 18 005A 4172 G 20181224042449441 17 25 1749367+642952 37 S 27431 02 024B 4172 G 20181224042920430 17 25 1820190+612829 37 S 27431 02 024B 4172 G 20181224042930434 17 25 1759562+615987 37 S 27431 02 024B 4172 G 20181224042937442 17 25 1743855+621573 37 S Obs format: Residuals wrt the latest classfd.tle file before the session start. Norad Cospar Cross-track delta T TLE age range None with higher residuals. The residuals of the other classified satellites are low. 2018 total obs: 24850 + 7 = 24857 *************************************************************************************** Setup: WATEC 910HX/RC, 50 mm F1:1.8, NTP, Celestron Nexstar Observations made and reduced with Sattools Cospar 4172 ALMERE 52.3713 N 5.2580 E –3 ASL _______________________________________________ Seesat-l mailing list on Sun Dec 23 2018 - 23:08:10 UTC
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