I leave the data referring to time and position in the sky J2000 of # 43641 I have noticed an error. It was # 43641 Apologies. They are the data according to HeavenSat Values of the Mirrors (Time Heavensat (UT)): 58.4º 276.5º brightness -1.0 05:38:02:520 J2000 12h33m16.2s 04º14'04.4'' 59.9º 248.3º brightness -0.5 05:38:44.975 J2000 12h23m43.1s 29º17'04.0'' 52.3º 226.7º brightness +0.5 05:39:24.556 J2000 12h07m04.5s 55º45'42.7'' 36.8º 215.5º brightness +1.5 05:40:48.130 J2000 03h55m41.5s 84º33'30.0'' 35.6º 215.2º brightness +2.5 05:40:59.629 J2000 02h42m19.2s 82º14'33.2'' Regards -- José Luis Ruiz Gómez _______________________________________________ Seesat-l mailing list http://mailman.satobs.org/mailman/listinfo/seesat-lReceived on Sun Dec 23 2018 - 14:23:35 UTC
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