Hi Andy, On Thu, Dec 6, 2018 at 1:07 PM AjK <kirkham.andy_at_gmail.com> wrote: > If this is the case this is the first satellite detection I could confirm which seems strange since I have previously tried, and failed, with the ISS My guess would be that this is because you focus on a narrow band around the GRAVES frequency. This means that satellites will only be visible at that frequency if the velocity between the transmitter and the satellite as well as the velocity between the satellite and your receiver, is very close zero. This would normally occur near culmination (closest approach). For the ISS orbit at 51.6 deg inclination, this usually occurs outside of the GRAVES radar beam. Since Tiangong-2 is at lower inclination, you are more likely to see that around 143.050MHz. My suggestion would be to look at a larger bandwidth, or focus on frequencies about 50kHz above or below the GRAVES frequency. Regards, Cees _______________________________________________ Seesat-l mailing list http://mailman.satobs.org/mailman/listinfo/seesat-lReceived on Thu Dec 06 2018 - 06:21:05 UTC
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