Hello All, This is slightly off topic but I am reaching out to your community as I know many of you are best placed to resolve my dilemma. The UNID is "off topic" because it's not visual, it's a radar return in unusual circumstances. I recently built a meteor bi-static radar detection system in my attic. It uses the French military Graves radar[1] tuned to 143.050MHz My system has been working well for meteors. However, since I started the system I have been trying to see if it could detect the ISS. Many others with similar systems said their systems often saw the ISS as it flew through the radar beam. However, in Scotland, I am a long way from where the beam would illuminate it. To date, I have been unsuccessful on every attempt when I have known the ISS was within the radar beam and also over my horizon up here in Scotland. It's been mildly disappointing so far but I have not given up as yet. However, last night (2018-12-04 at 02:10:39UTC) my system registered a very strong return. Roughly 90 minutes later at 03:40:46UTC it returned, again another strong signal both with clear satellite velocity doppler shifts. However, the ISS was about as far from the radar beam as you can get (southern hemisphere). I have posted to the Graves Italia Echoes facebook group the waterfall images[2] and a request for help. You can see the waterfall image captures on that post. Any help identifying what this could have been would be appreciated. regards, --Andy Kirkham [1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Graves_(system) [2] https://www.facebook.com/groups/1885781291708894/ _______________________________________________ Seesat-l mailing list http://mailman.satobs.org/mailman/listinfo/seesat-lReceived on Wed Dec 05 2018 - 16:37:15 UTC
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