Mark Hanning-Lee wrote: > I see a pass across the S sky tonight. From Tustin it should reach 38 > deg in the S at 20:54 PDT +/- a few minutes. Crudely assuming > a standard > mag of 4 (because Ed Cannon's pass reached mag 2) this pass will reach > about mag 2.8. I'd welcome better estimates of the standard mag. Standard magnitude of Titan IV 2nd stages is 4.8, derived from observations. It would help nail down the mean motion if the object could be observed accurately on more than one revolution tonight. It will pass over the Southern U.S. on three consecutive revolutions this evening. Timings of penumbra and umbra entry would also be helpful in the preliminary orbit determination. Sooner or later, someone at U.S. Spacecom will wake up and produce the real orbit, but it would be fun if we beat them to it. Ted Molczan ----------------------------------------------------------------- Unsubscribe from SeeSat-L by sending a message with 'unsubscribe' in the SUBJECT to
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