CB Obs April 26, 2021: CMOS video observations: NROL-82 payload seen

From: C. Bassa via Seesat-l <seesat-l_at_satobs.org>
Date: Tue, 27 Apr 2021 01:55:27 +0200
Observations of the NROL-82 payload during excellent conditions
(despite the full Moon). The satellite was about 3 mins late and 5 deg
off track from my 78702 TLE determined from radio observations.

Fitting a circular orbit to these observations yields:
1 99596U 21616A   21116.98994022  .00000000  00000-0  50000-4 0    00
2 99596  98.0118 230.1099 0001000   0.0000  56.6585 15.12226082    06
# 20210426.99-20210426.99, 8 measurements, 0.003 deg rms

99596 21 616A   4171 G 20210426234525258 17 25 1617990+842627 37 S
99596 21 616A   4171 G 20210426234525910 17 25 1620123+845042 37 S
99596 21 616A   4171 G 20210426234527410 17 25 1626389+854492 37 S
99596 21 616A   4171 G 20210426234529313 17 25 1639247+865244 37 S
99596 21 616A   4171 G 20210426234531368 17 25 1708897+880250 37 S
99596 21 616A   4171 G 20210426234533562 17 25 1904823+890774 37 S
99596 21 616A   4171 G 20210426234535417 17 25 0012680+891213 37 S
99596 21 616A   4171 G 20210426234536412 17 25 0140614+884776 37 S

Setup: ASI1600MM Pro CMOS, 55mm F/1.2, NexStar mount, NTP timing
IOD format: http://www.satobs.org/position/IODformat.html

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Received on Mon Apr 26 2021 - 18:56:37 UTC

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