Re: NROL-82 search elements

From: Marco Langbroek via Seesat-l <>
Date: Mon, 26 Apr 2021 22:20:17 +0200
ULA nog gives the launch time for NROL-82 as 20:47 UT, one minute later than
earlier announced:

Here are updated versions of both my and Ted's elsets for this new launch time:

NROL-82 ML                                     for launch at 20:47 UT
1 70003U 21999A   21116.86597222  .00000000  00000-0  00000-0 0    05
2 70003 097.8600 222.3405 0548970 157.1680 337.2110 14.78203944    00

NROL-82 TM                                     for launch at 20:47 UT
1 70004U 21999A   21126.87048612  .00014000  00000-0  11897-3 0    06
2 70004  97.9000 234.6072 0528034 316.0000 191.0000 14.81000000    09

In case the launch time turns out different: you can very easily adjust the
TLE's to any new launchtime using my TLE from Proxy software

I hope to chase NROL-82 on the third and maybe the second pass (second pass is
low in the sky for me), although I just noted thin clouds have started toi
appear here.

As Ted mentioned: allow for several minutes uncertainty in pass time and degrees
uncertainty cross-track.

- Marco

Dr Marco Langbroek  -  SatTrackCam Leiden, the Netherlands.

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Received on Mon Apr 26 2021 - 15:21:15 UTC

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