Op 20-4-2021 om 15:06 schreef Karl Antier via Seesat-l: > Dear all, > > The International Meteor Organization just received an email asking for > some more information regarding an event that occured on April 20, 2021, > ~12:56am (local British time), which is April 19, 2021, ~23h56 UT. > From the video we received (shot in Bournemouth, UK, with no indication > of the recorded direction), it looks like this could be a potential > space junk reentry (very low apparent speed, event lasting more than 30 > sec), ~30° above the horizon. Does anyone know if any other videos have > been recorded, and which space junk it could be? The video is here: https://www.bournemouthecho.co.uk/news/19245256.watch-fireball-spotted-bournemouth/ Going from the streetname mentioned in the article and the distinctive carpark and fence, as well as opposite house visible, I geolocated the position of the camera to 50.7516 N, 1.8883 W. This allowed the view direction to be established. The direction of view is due south to slightly southeast. There is no TIP for any reentry on this date/time. Looking at the video, I am not convinced it is a reentry. Rather, I suspect a slow grazing fireball. - Marco ----- Dr Marco Langbroek - SatTrackCam Leiden, the Netherlands. e-mail: sattrackcam_at_langbroek.org launchtower: http://launchtower.langbroek.org Station (b)log: http://sattrackcam.blogspot.com Twitter: _at_Marco_Langbroek ----- _______________________________________________ Seesat-l mailing list http://mailman.satobs.org/mailman/listinfo/seesat-lReceived on Tue Apr 20 2021 - 09:44:58 UTC
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