Optical 07 April 2021

From: Greg Roberts via Seesat-l <seesat-l_at_satobs.org>
Date: Thu, 8 Apr 2021 11:46:43 +0200
Optical 07 April 2021

Site 0435 Pinelands (Cape Town,South Africa)
18.5101 degrees east  33.9368 degrees south altitude 25.5 metres

ZWO ASI 174MM cmos camera with telephoto lens set at about 80mm
focal length and aperture f/2.8. Field of view 7.74 by 4.86 degrees,
1x binning and image scale 14.5 arcsec/pixel.( For leo sats).

Timing provided by Dimension 4 and Network Time Synchronization
(NTP) and better than 0.1 seconds.

19460 88 078A   4353 G 20210407171959229 15 15 1214200+034838 35
19460 88 078A   4353 G 20210407172020226 15 15 1208460+073046 35
19460 88 078A   4353 G 20210407172038227 15 15 1204210+103336 35
27524 99 023A   4353 G 20210407185341839 15 15 0948590+021615 35
27524 99 023A   4353 G 20210407185353849 15 15 0959070+030521 35
27524 99 023A   4353 G 20210407185405844 15 15 1007100+034444 35
27524 99 023A   4353 G 20210407185502843 15 15 1043470+064509 35
28096 03 054B   4353 G 20210407185123840 15 15 0850170+391342 35
28096 03 054B   4353 G 20210407185150837 15 15 0859150+412302 35
28096 03 054B   4353 G 20210407185223842 15 15 0909340+434700 35
42058 17 011A   4353 G 20210407182244778 15 15 0917280+152857 35
42058 17 011A   4353 G 20210407182253784 15 15 0922160+135027 35
42058 17 011A   4353 G 20210407182305779 15 15 0928500+113333 35
42065 17 011B   4353 G 20210407182235777 15 15 0913330+154617 35
42065 17 011B   4353 G 20210407182244778 15 15 0918170+140842 35
42065 17 011B   4353 G 20210407182250777 15 15 0921310+130123 35
42065 17 011B   4353 G 20210407182259787 15 15 0926290+111717 35
42073 17 015B   4353 G 20210407172943640 15 15 1002280+233059 35
42073 17 015B   4353 G 20210407172955646 15 15 0954300+264713 35
42073 17 015B   4353 G 20210407173009637 15 15 0945530+301153 35
45606 20 029A   4353 G 20210407172752531 15 15 0748070-005553 35
45606 20 029A   4353 G 20210407172756627 15 15 0800050-024504 35
45606 20 029A   4353 G 20210407172800634 15 15 0812260-043632 35


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