45860 20 044A 4541 F 20210407183131120 17 25 0926800-262800 78 S+070 05 28888 05 042A 4541 F 20210407190910060 17 25 0715180-143707 57 28888 05 042A 4541 F 20210407190919320 17 25 0708080-115537 37 Difficult pass of Ofeq 16 due to low elevation and long range. Predicted culmination in twilight 18h38m52s 22°/163° range 874 km. Observed for some seconds 20°/166° 7 minutes early. Alberto Rango, Roma, 4541. _______________________________________________ Seesat-l mailing list http://mailman.satobs.org/mailman/listinfo/seesat-lReceived on Thu Apr 08 2021 - 03:59:18 UTC
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