A late clearance of St from the N, then improving transparency making it relatively easy to see satellites leaving eclipse low in the N. 1701501267521040221434622 010 22235345 +74254 20 5 1701501267521040221435936 010 22234684 +69401 40 5 1701501267521040221442014 010 22234018 +63433 20 5 9602904267521040221463711 010 22014368 +60362 15 5 9602904267521040221471661 010 22000198 +66263 10 5 2010102267521040221524361 010 22062816 +21094 10 5 2010101267521040221572053 010 22055461 +11451 15 5 2010101267521040221574285 010 22060518 +15269 10 5 1501501267521040222042418 010 22034498 +61278 20 5 1501501267521040222044453 010 22024389 +59494 20 5 1501501267521040222050888 010 22015510 +56483 30 5 1105002267521040222172788 010 22030420 +40123 20 5 1500401267521040222181193 010 22040607 +46575 10 5 1500401267521040222183838 010 22031263 +47489 20 5 1500401267521040222193360 010 22015764 +45404 20 5 1101402267521040222264167 010 22041426 +40264 20 5 1101401267521040222264852 010 22041362 +40238 20 5 1101402267521040222274499 010 22034783 +51455 15 5 1101401267521040222275252 010 22034789 +51327 10 5 1107501267521040222473509 010 22040322 +39170 30 5 1107501267521040222474859 010 22034507 +40048 30 5 1107501267521040222481117 010 22031721 +40322 20 5 1800501267521040222531173 010 22154822 +62213 10 5 1800501267521040222533841 010 22162268 +70272 20 5 1800501267521040222535608 010 22170384 +75121 20 5 9602905267521040223003786 010 22020627 +57184 10 5 9602905267521040223005041 010 22014678 +59093 10 5 9602905267521040223011044 010 22011002 +61430 20 5 9107603267521040223333793 010 22015868 +58109 20 5 9107603267521040223334818 010 22013216 +59052 20 5 9208603267521040223370065 010 22174424 +40236 20 5 9208603267521040223375640 010 22181664 +37008 15 5 9208603267521040223385822 010 22184068 +33473 30 5 9107605267521040223401157 010 22013322 +58153 20 5 9107605267521040223401968 010 22011418 +58487 10 5 9107605267521040223404207 010 22001931 +59083 10 5 9602903267521040223573199 010 22023246 +61167 20 5 9602903267521040223580184 010 22013727 +65243 20 5 9602903267521040223582367 010 22004476 +67190 30 5 1805202267521040300055082 010 22032182 +43045 30 5 1805202267521040300060467 010 22031218 +42187 15 5 1802102267521040300051449 010 22024996 +45215 30 5 0702701267521040300290345 010 22120533 +80384 60 5 0702703267521040300290970 010 22121013 +80253 60 5 0702701267521040300301595 010 22200502 +72472 10 5 0702703267521040300302080 010 22200034 +72580 40 5 9503301267521040300350913 010 22011695 +61580 30 5 9503301267521040300351898 010 22012500 +60139 30 5 9503301267521040300354641 010 22014182 +55500 30 5 1802101267521040300501380 010 22020143 +51561 50 5 1802101267521040300502419 010 22020447 +50335 20 5 1300201267521040301010644 010 22030250 +52147 60 5 1300201267521040301013490 010 22025743 +48414 30 5 1105001267521040301075379 010 22033873 +55086 40 5 1805201267521040301090528 010 22035401 +45307 20 5 999 David M Brierley Malvern, WR14 1LQ, UK Station 2675 52.1358N 2.3264W 70m davidbrierley_at_waitrose.com _______________________________________________ Seesat-l mailing list http://mailman.satobs.org/mailman/listinfo/seesat-lReceived on Sat Apr 03 2021 - 10:34:04 UTC
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