SATOBS ML (4353) PHOTO, 29 Mar 2021: USA 184, USA 269, Vortex 4, Sicral 1B

From: Marco Langbroek via Seesat-l <>
Date: Thu, 1 Apr 2021 18:28:20 +0200
14675 84 009A   4353 G 20210329204832020 17 75 0827142-026680 15
14675 84 009A   4353 G 20210329210252020 17 75 0841053-029510 15
14675 84 009A   4353 G 20210329211522020 17 75 0851216-031730 15
14675 84 009A   4353 G 20210329211642020 17 75 0852329-031970 15
41724 16 047A   4353 G 20210329204832020 17 75 0831266-056920 15
41724 16 047A   4353 G 20210329210252020 17 75 0846492-058570 15
41724 16 047A   4353 G 20210329211642020 17 75 0854067-059020 15
29249 06 027A   4353 G 20210329210442020 17 75 0824314-043460 15
29249 06 027A   4353 G 20210329210542020 17 75 0826418-030440 15
29249 06 027A   4353 G 20210329210652020 17 75 0829098-015640 15
34810 09 020A   4353 G 20210329205612020 17 75 1015250-073300 15
34810 09 020A   4353 G 20210329210852020 17 75 1028074-073260 15


KOSMOS 2539:
44457 19 048A   4353 G 20210329205612020 17 75 1016074-073680 15
44457 19 048A   4353 G 20210329210852020 17 75 1028494-073630 15

46113 20 056B   4353 G 20210329211242020 17 75 0935194-073630 15

28358 04 022A   4353 G 20210329211242020 17 75 0935252-073940 15

40258 14 058A   4353 G 20210329204832020 17 75 0840065-074040 15
40258 14 058A   4353 G 20210329210252020 17 75 0855290-073980 15
40258 14 058A   4353 G 20210329211642020 17 75 0908204-073930 15

40875 15 039B   4353 G 20210329204832020 17 75 0840319-073310 15
40875 15 039B   4353 G 20210329210252020 17 75 0855540-073260 15
40875 15 039B   4353 G 20210329211642020 17 75 0908456-073210 15

Canon EOS 80D + Samyang 2.0/135 mm + DCF77 clock + ASTRORECORD
What these numbers mean:

Targetted a few classified GEO objects plus one HEO object that passed the FOV,
as part of a session imaging MEV-2 approaching INTELSAT 10-02.

Targetted the same objects on the 30th too, but will measure and report these

Due to the curfew (Corona measure) in my country, I cannot go to the spot (~50
meters form my house) where I normally observe geosats. So I imaged from my loft
window, which however has a limited field of view (and during exposures I need
to sit very still so as not to move the wooden loft floor).

Sicral 1B is close to Kosmos 2539 currently.

- Marco

Dr Marco Langbroek  -  SatTrackCam Leiden, the Netherlands.

Cospar 4353 (Leiden):     52.15412 N, 4.49081 E (WGS84), +0 m ASL
Cospar 4355 (Cronesteyn): 52.13878 N, 4.49937 E (WGS84), -2 m ASL
Station (b)log:
Twitter: _at_Marco_Langbroek
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Received on Thu Apr 01 2021 - 11:28:59 UTC

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