A fireball crosses over Brazil: Meteor or Re-entry ?

From: Carlos Bella (carlos.apodman@gmail.com)
Date: Sat Apr 21 2012 - 15:04:11 UTC

  • Next message: Joseph Remis: "Re: 38223 Decay"

    Today two videos were released, taken at a distance of 570km from one
    another, of a fireball that crossed at least two Brazilian states in the
    night of 20/04.
    The first video was taken at 20:15 (UTC) in Belo Horizonte (Latitude:
    -19.931832 / long: -43.930260) and the second at 21:00 (UTC) in Campos (
    Latitude: -21.754468 / long: -41.324407) ,
    But several reports of the fireball came from other cities like Vila Velha (
    Lat: -20.344787 / long: -40.292051), Bocaiuva (Latitude: -17.128848 / long:
    -43.838242), São João del Rey (Latitude: -21.126654 / Long: -44.241745
    ) and other
    localities in the states of Minas Gerais, Espirito Santo and Rio de Janeiro.
    The colleagues of Seesat know if there was any re-entry yesterday over Brazil
    ? If not the meteor researchers will begin a effort to try triangulates it
    checking if had chances that the meteor reached the ground.
    The movies:
    Belo Horizonte ( state of Minas Gerais):
    - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d4aHh0ibJik&feature=player_embedded
    Campos ( state of Rio de Janeiro):
    - http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=270257976401083
    Carlos Bella
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