Bram Dorreman, Marco Langbroek, Tim Luton, Mike McCants, Alberto Rango, Brad Young, and I, contributed observations used to produce the following elements: NOSS 3-5 (A) 1015 X 1206 km 1 37386U 11014A 11110.08061081 .00000000 00000-0 00000-0 0 05 2 37386 63.4386 340.0598 0127783 180.8174 179.2660 13.39314612 09 Arc 20110418.84-0420.11 WRMS resid 0.034 totl 0.012 xtrk NOSS 3-5 (B) 1018 X 1204 km 1 79937U 11014B 11110.08087585 .00000000 00000-0 00000-0 0 00 2 79937 63.4386 340.0611 0124479 178.6475 181.4910 13.39248108 00 Arc 20110419.06-0420.11 WRMS resid 0.031 totl 0.015 xtrk The elements are reasonably accurate, but the arc is still short, so they have yet to settle down. The inclination of 11014A tended to exceed 63.45 deg, which seemed a bit too high to accept, so for now I have fixed it to the value of 11014B. 11014B has yet to be publicly catalogued, hence the use of a pseudo catalogue number; if the procedure of all four past NOSS 3 launches is followed, within a few days it will be falsely catalogued as a piece of debris of 11014A. Ted Molczan _______________________________________________ Seesat-l mailing list
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