Re: ISS OBS, 2011-4-9_update

From: Ralf Vandebergh (
Date: Tue Apr 12 2011 - 13:07:44 UTC

  • Next message: Giuseppe N. Gerbore: "Shijian 11-1 LM Rocket crossing the Moon"

    Here is an update on the April 9 ISS image.  
    By informing a reliable contact at NASA,  the information was found that the SPDM (Robot Dextre) is grappled by the Canadarm in this picture. 
    This explains the relative big structure visible at the end of the arm. Dextre has been holding Oribital Replacement Units (ORU’s) that were
    flown up by the HTV. Last week and this week, the units have been installed on a pallet brought up by flight ULF-5.
    So actually this is my first image showing the actual entire Mobile Servicing System (MSS)!
    Ralf Vandebergh
    From: Ralf Vandebergh 
    Sent: Monday, April 11, 2011 2:41 PM
    Subject: ISS OBS, 2011-4-9
    Here is an ISS observation from the 9th. SSRMS visible at a special position (I wonder if there is any special activity planned)
    ‘Special’ means at least a for me unusual visible position). Soyuz TMA-20 nicely visible with solar panels at its docked position
    on the Rassvet module:
    Ralf Vandebergh
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